Should post-birth abortions be legal?


I don't know why I asked this question. There was that controversial essay about this written back in 2013, but I'm pretty sure that person was paid by some eugenicist or population control activist, just like the regular pro-choice crowd.

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@xianc78 I don't seriously believe any genuine pro-choice person believes in that, and any that do have missed the point by a massive amount.
I could see them being fed plants intended to sow division, just like those supposed "pro-life" people who go around saying women should be executed for having abortions.
The whole issue glows on both sides these days. :glowinthedark:

@Indigo Well I don't know if Francesca Minerva and Alberto Giubilini are feds, but they wrote an academic essay about the issue.

But I know a bunch of pro-choice people who are closeted eugenicists so they would probably be for it.

@xianc78 Eh, there's been academic papers written about everything at this point. I don't doubt there's stupid pro-choice people out there for a second, any less than I acknowledge that there's a lot of very smart, educated, and informed pro-life people out there.
I'm still pro-choice, and I can't think of a situation in which my mind changes about that, but the idea of "post-birth-abortion," is total cartoon-logic nonsense, and sounds to me like some "slippery slope" bullshit peddled by extremist pro-lifers.

@Indigo Well given the clear ties that Planned Parenthood has to the eugenics movement, it doesn't seem that slippery slope doesn't seem far-fetched.

@xianc78 Planned Parenthood is it's own can of worms; they do some unquestionable good, but there is some weirdness with their origins, and some valid criticism/sketchiness of where their money goes and/or comes from.
I still don't feel that's representative of most of the pro-choice movement.
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