@waltercool my eternal disappointment that people are still in the trump will save us ubermensch attitude
@icedquinn @waltercool ok who else is going to overwhelm democrat election fraud then? have fun with 4 more years of biden
@meowski @icedquinn That's the thing at the end. The system will continue even if a majority of people are against it.

Consider also most Democrats agree with Democratic elections. That's at least 1/3 of the country
@waltercool @meowski there was a rasmussen thing that said something like up to 63% of biden voters would like if we just dumped both candidates
@waltercool @meowski there is a very real problem of people close to center-left are tired of the useful idiot left but they don't want to throw in with the neotheocrats.
@xianc78 @icedquinn @meowski I don' think the Midwest can survive economically.

They heavily rely on Federal aid.

@waltercool @icedquinn @meowski Only because the US banned oil drilling in the Great Lakes.

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