@ArdainianRight Are you afraid to go out in public because there are same-sex couples walking around?
@hachi I don't see too many, but gay shit in public is still icky.
@ArdainianRight @hachi

Most heterosexuals feel this way. They also feel this way about heterosexual PDA past a certain Disney point.
@amerika @hachi
Zero normal heterosexuals would be okay with anything vaguely resembling the shit that goes on at Pride parades in public. Fags are the only ones who get off to exhibitionism.
@ArdainianRight @hachi

I grew up with a city with a massive gay (LGBT, now) district.

I will just say that I don't know what happens at Gay Pride parades but relatively normal homosexual PDA is not that odd to me.
@amerika @hachi
Gay kissing in public is weird and gross. I don't care if you've been desensitized to it, it's bad for the moral fiber of a society. Yes, I know we're well past that point in Clown World, but in building a healthy future society gay shit in public needs to be taboo.

@ArdainianRight @amerika @hachi I have a family member who worked at a public school and they literally would not punish a gay couple kissing in the hallway because it would be "homophobic", despite it going against the school district's PDA policy.

And mind you that this was a MIDDLE SCHOOL. For all we know these kids haven't even gone through puberty yet.

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