Are there any protests calling for the destruction of both Israel AND Palestine?


@icedquinn I'm not advocating for it, but I know there are a few out there (namely those who believe in Christian Identity) who want it.

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@xianc78 i said something about it, but mostly because i think a zionist government is incompatible with peace and hamas just has to go in general.
@xianc78 there is no two state solution but amputation and forcing the stumps to merge together.. maybe. but i don't care much.

@icedquinn I'm no expert on the history of Jews or the Palestinian people, but from what I can tell, even though that the ethnic Jews may have originated from the area, they were a stateless nation for the longest time. They were mostly nomadic, like gypsies and their diaspora eventually brought them to Europe.

@xianc78 some jews started going there after ww2. they were able to peacefully exist with the natives.

it wasn't really until the rockefeller orgs all got involved and dictated the land as israel that the problems started
@xianc78 @icedquinn the Torah declares Jews in a state of permanent exile, and they are not permitted to construct the temple of jerusalem on their own before the messiah comes. To understand how far the politics go, one needs to study Jewish revisionism required by Zionism to justify the state of Israel.

like quinn said, Jews were already living there in peace alongside Christians and Muslims. Some to this day still refuse to renounce their Arab identities.
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