Free speech ended with Unite The Right. It's now glaringly obvious that you have no right to protest at all if the regime doesn't like you. It's funny to see troons and the like end up on the wrong end of ZOG for once.
@ArdainianRight @DrFell If people started protesting for the extermination of autistic people, I know you would be in favor of persecuting them.
@hachi @DrFell
Yes, I am in favor of persecuting trannies for grooming and castrating autistic children.

@ArdainianRight @hachi @DrFell Why do these people act like there are people who actively want to kill people with disabilities? I've never even heard of people in our modern world advocate for such things outside of that one Japanese guy who did a mass stabbing at a care home.

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@xianc78 @hachi @DrFell
Actually, I can think of one guy who wants to kill people with disabilities, but the Faggot Brigade doesn't seem to go after him much.
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