Reminder that the number one telltale sign of someone being full of shit is if they suck off India as a civilization, especially relative to Western Christendom.

I think there are a lot of problems with India. The culture includes a lot of corruption, and many states still cannot provide clean water or consistent water pressure. My father went back in the 2010s and said the air was still unfit to breathe. My sister went years later and said he exaggerated, it wasn't as bad, but it still wasn't good.

A lot of Indians try to get out, and it has a huge brain drain, with many of the best people leaving. (Many unable to return if they take a foreign flag as India does not allow dual citizenship). Some things have been getting better, but it's not a great State.

I bet you were trying to get my riled up. I rarely block or ban anyone on here. I was getting sick of the fucking Poasties going on about "pajeets" ... they do not follow their own god who tells them to remove the hot iron spike from their own eye first, before moving the spec of dust from another.

The problem with the blacks is that many of the intelligent, college educated ones with careers will take up the banner of "if it wasn't for x, I could have been a thug shooting up people." This is a lie. Even the White Nationalist, crying the supremacy of the White Race (Irish? German? What is white you retarded fuck?) will not stand up for the meth head trailer trash. He will likely not put that white person above a black, even calling such a person a negro of the white. And there you see the reality, the thing the Black Supremacists will say is racism: Saying it's about class instead of race.

In the movie Barbershop, a barber tells the truth that Rodney King deserved to get his ass beat (no one mentioned the other black passenger who put his hands up, surrendered and was perfectly fine). In the movie Crash, the education black man calls the thug/gangster an "embarrassment." Today blacks who call for their own race to take responsibility: Thomas Swolle, Larry Elder, Candice Owens; are called "Uncle Toms" and "Black White Supremacist." It is the goal of the rulers of this world to divide us, to make blacks look down on their own intellectuals and prophets, and to become more dependent on the State.

It is not about the race vs race. It is about the mid-IQ versus the retarded. When you tell a stupid person they are a victim of some socialite ill, you create an envy: the root of all communism. Christianity says we are all fallen and remembered by our equality before God (not men). It holds man to a higher power. The leftist says you are a victim and deserve equality on Earth from those who have never done you wrong. It creates a victim and removes the accountability to a higher power: an absolute disastrous mentality for the dumb.

I understand India has problems. My family is from India. I am an American. The US is my home, by choice (as I have had foreign work visas and the option to immigrate permanently). My nieces and nephews are all half breeds, their kids quarter breeds. They married some white people ya know. If you have a problem with that, well .. then I guess we will replace you.

@djsumdog @hachi
The biggest problem I have with India is how fundamentally alien it feels culturally. Most of the world has at least somewhat been Christianized and Westernized. China and its sphere of influence are plenty weird in their own right, but Confucianism still feels like a fairly relatable and comprehensible ethos. India makes absolutely no sense to me and everything I find out about it makes me want to have nothing to do with it. People don't understand the depths of the Eldritch horrors White Supremacy has protected us from.

@ArdainianRight @hachi @djsumdog "Westernized India" gives me an uncanny feeling. Westernization in modern times means "just give them Apple products, Starbucks, and LGBT terminology and keep everything else about their culture".

I doubt they've adopted any "LGBT terminology," but who knows. I haven't been there since 1998 :blobcatshrug:
Interesting .. oh yea, I forgot ... a lot of the western trains people like bringing up the Hijra as an example of trains before modern western LGBTQism .. but that's really disingenuous. The Hijra are more like the Bacha bazi of Afghanistan, in the sense they're pushed and/or sold into it by the poor. It's not "trans," but was a way to keep clearly gay teens/men from getting killed; and it's been westernized into an even weirder thing.

This was a really good (and tragic) podcast episode about it:

@djsumdog @ArdainianRight @hachi Oh. So it's like that Two-Spirit thing in Native American cultures.

Dunno. I'm not familiar enough with that.

It's probably similar to the Faʻafafine in Samoan/South Pacific culture.
@Zettour @hachi @djsumdog @xianc78
Crossdressing faggots definitely existed, but I'm highly skeptical of any coherent cultural framework for such faggots that spanned across tribes.
@ArdainianRight @hachi @djsumdog @xianc78

Two-spirit was coined in the 1990's at a conference held in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, but the concept existed in some indigenous groups from precolonial times. I remember attending an native elders gathering hosted by UofT in the 1990's where the subject was under discussion and various elders chimed in to explain that it was hardly a universal idea, but was/is legitimately accepted by *some* groups. Usually if they didn't have problems with food insecurity requiring a steady supply of children to perform work, then it was at least permitted. In some cases it was allowed you would still be required to have children if you were able to, as breeding is a cultural duty which being gay doesn't absolve you of.

In terms of cultures where the idea is accepted, Babaylan (witch/shaman/warrior) are worth looking into. There are several historical freedom fighters among the Philippinos who were male Babaylan. But since the Babaylan are traditionally female, it involved men taking on the role, dress and behaviours of woman in all respects in order to be accepted as such. Similarly the Germanic male priesthood of the Matronae cults were reputed at least to have been transvestites. Then there're the Seiðrmaðr (such as Óðinn) who would take on the roles of women in order to perform the rites associated with that practice among Germanic/Scandinavian peoples. When these things are accepted, it's almost always in a sacred context associated with a shaman-like role involving the transgression and crossing of boundaries both material and spiritual alike.
@xianc78 @djsumdog @ArdainianRight @hachi When fags bring up ancient transgenderism, ask them to tell you all about how Native Americans and ancient Indians chopped off their kids genitals and carved a "front hole" in their bodies, fashioned a penis from chunks of arm or leg flesh, gave them hormone treatments, and let males compete in female sports, demanded preferred pronouns, and all the other crap they wanna justify...

If they want to use an ancient justification, hold them to that ancient standard which is nothing at all like what modern LGBTQ culture propagates as normal and healthy.
@PsychoMikeO @xianc78 @djsumdog @ArdainianRight @hachi >If they want to use an ancient justification
That same justification can be used for slavery, scalping, torture, genocide, cannibalism, human sacrifice, and a million other things. Do they think all the native tribes were hippy elves or something?
@PsychoMikeO @xianc78 @djsumdog @ArdainianRight @hachi Okay you bring that up as a counterpoint but our Abos literally did that lol. They cut a "vagina" into the underside of the penis, so that the adolescent male would gain the powers of the woman as well as the man.
@ArdainianRight @CatLord @PsychoMikeO @djsumdog @xianc78 How about you learn from them instead of making assumptions. I bet you never met a single one. Watch this video and learn from them.

@hachi @ArdainianRight @djsumdog @CatLord @PsychoMikeO Literally everyone in that video is mixed. Not a single pure-blooded abo in that video.

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