Country gets invaded and while they are at war the government paints a stupid rainbow on a monument. American right wing response = "DAR ARE PEEPUL WITH SWASTIKA TAYTU DYING FOR DIS" HAR HAR
@Turkleton I'm neutral for the most part of this . Brother wars shouldn't happen. That being said, holy shit the fucking low iq armchair bullshit from people about this is insane. No one's going to put down their guns in a real life conflict because a bunch of internet retards put together some gotcha. The internet really does make people retarded.
@WhiteJihadJaws Sometimes I swear the whole dissident right has just turned into a huge demoralization op. The spend all day sourcing this terrible shit like niggers punching white people and gay this and gay that and I understand some of it is organic but after a while it just gets very unhealthy imo.
@Turkleton @WhiteJihadJaws My problem with 4chan when I used it for awhile was that it was extremely negative and I think the anonymity makes it a perfect place for feds and JIDF shills to make it as offputting as possible. Meanwhile they talk about 4chan as the premiere alt-right space online to give anyone interested a really bad impression of us, to make the association that the alt right really is a bunch of low iq basement dwelling retards, because those are the only people who would stay in such a cesspool.

Fedi is so much better because there isn’t pressure to talk politics 24/7 and you see that we’re actually just normal people.
I'm kinda getting sick of Fedi. It's really not far from that anymore. I never really blocked anyone until this year. People who I've never had issue with seem to go out of their way now to just be backwoods retards. This thing is a time suck and little good comes out of it anymore.

@djsumdog @suquili @Turkleton @WhiteJihadJaws I remember signing up here almost four years ago, and it being a breath of fresh-air compared to 8chan. It was much more laid-back and open-minded because I was expecting most of the freeze peach side of the Fedi being people ranting about Jews and race-mixing 24/7. Sure there were some of those people there, but it wasn't a complete echo-chamber. I had a bunch of people from various backgrounds, political views, and interests following me.

Now, I'd argue that this place is even worse than most imageboards. At least on an imageboard, if I don't want to talk about politics and current events at the moment, I can easily go on one of the tech or video game boards. Sure, some of the political shit would naturally bleed in, but it wasn't as bad. On the fedi, there is no-escape unless you create a massive blocklist/mutelist. And you can't even make an unpopular opinion anymore without being dogpiled. Also, complete anonymity means that posts are judged by the content and not the user, so you don't have to worry about building positive or negative reputation about yourself.

Maybe my experience on here would've been better if I never talked about politics on here, and instead focused on gamedev, but I signed up during the middle of the George Floyd riots and the biggest medical psyop in the history of the world, I couldn't help it.

If you want something more like the old Fedi, you could try Nostr. The crypto begging has died down somewhat, but it's still a bit of a right-libertarian echo-chamber. Sure, Nostr is technically part of the Fedi thanks to the bridge, but I don't see many of the Poast-types going after the Nostr accounts.

@PurpCat @djsumdog @suquili @Turkleton @WhiteJihadJaws Literally the only good thing to come out of the Twitter buyout was that it exposed how much of a fraud Elon Musk is. Before that, most of the people criticizing Elon Musk were far-leftists and flat-earthers.

I still have a hard libertarian friend who's all about how much better Twitter is now (He's not a total Elon fanboy; has a Tesla, hates the Cybertruck) and he just doesn't seem to see the website still hasn't really changed. Censorship is still strong (just different), certain peoples' accounts have been put to a vote and you can't even view threads without logging in anymore.

It is weird how people have turned on/embraced Elon, whose projects are all kept afloat by government subsidies and insane amounts of debt.
Given the Elon hasn't turned a profit on any project, and yet gets ample investment, it kinda makes me wonder if he's just a front man for a money laundering scheme for rich, powerful people.

@Humpleupagus @PurpCat @djsumdog @Turkleton @WhiteJihadJaws @suquili You might want to read this. Though the author believes that every famous person is a pawn of the global elites.

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