agorism is cool but i am still a minarchist in the end :comfymelt:
@realcaseyrollins night watchmen / minarchist (same thing) still have a state, it's just very smol.

anarchists don't have a state, they just leave that power vacuum on the table and hope for the best.

@icedquinn @realcaseyrollins To elaborate on this, Minarchist think that the only purpose of the state is to enforce the non-aggression principle, while maybe providing courts, a national defense, and a border.

Anarchist believe in spontaneous order. However, what kind of order comes out of that differs between the various types of anarchists out there.

Panarchists are sort of an in-between of minarchism and anarchism. They believe in voluntary governments that co-exist in a single area and you can opt-in or out of and services are provided depending on which government you opt-in too.

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