Already reported multiple times on their bug tracker, and marked as "invalid"

The woke have long-since taken over Microsoft. They are rubbing their religion in your face.


@ryan yeah I @ them on Twitter about it.

It just seems like an easy patch fix. Delete line from database...

@JustinCody @ryan There is some text file that I don't remember the name of that stores all of these splash texts. You can just remove that line.

@xianc78 @JustinCody

Sure, and that works until the next update reverts your changes.

Let us not forget, this is the same company that gives us Windows Reboot Tuesday.

@ryan @JustinCody The file in question is stored in a resource pack. You store it in a different resource pack and point to it. It will work as long as Minecraft supports resource packs and splash screens in separate resource packs.

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@ryan @JustinCody They haven't done it yet. I know it's ultimately a band-aid solution, but it's better than nothing.

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