Women done turned every single Western institution into deranged activist HQs, with the Teacher's Union leading Women's Sport, the Media, the Courts, and the list goes on. Their habits on the roads is nothing compared to those.
This is the down-stream result of MK-ULTRA, converting people into foot-soldiers for the system without their own awareness or agency. Some people are easier to convert because of <below>.
@cjd @FourOh-LLC caring what other people think is a pretty normal attribute of normies.

their primary function, it sometimes seems like.

@PurpCat @icedquinn @cjd @FourOh-LLC That Reddit post is literally just copied from that infamous Nintendo Switch post.

@xianc78 @icedquinn @cjd @FourOh-LLC you sure that also wasn't bait? Given that wife's son is something I only saw on imageboards

@PurpCat @icedquinn @cjd @FourOh-LLC I don't browser Reddit so I don't know. I only know of it because of that PJW video.

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