It amazes me that the anti-crypto crowd would rather be at the mercy of the payment processors that they hate than to accept any crypto transactions.
Crypto isn't perfect, don't get me wrong, but these "all crypto bad" types prefer you not to use it, even for donations because otherwise you are catering to those evil ancaps and contributing to climate change.
Unfortunately, there really is no other option for those who want to donate or purchase things online (semi)-anonymously and/or without a man in the middle. Maybe something like GNU Taler will fix that, but I don't know who uses that or how that works.
@Spingebill Apparently, crypto being used as an investment rather than a medium of exchange was a psyop to undermine it's use, but this is all a rumor and I have no confirmation on it.
@PurpCat @Spingebill
>The dream of wagies is to escape the cage.
The only true way to ever "escape the cage" is to find a way to be self-employed (and be successful at it) or to homestead and be 100% self-reliant (grow your own food, generate you own electricity, etc). Even before crypto, people who won the lottery were under the impression that they would never have to work again, but eventually the money dries up.
@PurpCat @Spingebill Those markets are already saturated. You need to either think locally or think outside the box.