@mangeurdenuage Most normies I know barely even know about modern AI. My parents were shocked when I showed them AI image gen and found it werid. My dad doesn't even know what copilot is on his PC he thinks its just like ask jeeves. Microsoft especially over extended itself on AI consumers don't and its telling Apple's implementation of it is super out of the way and buried under the pile of random stuff Sequoia is adding. The only people I know who use AI a ton are the forgein exchange students who can barely write on their own without chatgpt to rewrite stuff.
@KaiserKitty @mangeurdenuage normies keep wanking off to the idea of ai as well thinking it'll make their shit business money 😵‍💫
and most of them don't know you can run most of the models on a normal PC with a low/mid tier graphics card on it and it won't give you back censored/pozzled/filtered results.

@djsumdog @KaiserKitty @PurpCat @mangeurdenuage I want to try out AudioCraft because it can help me with creating music and soundeffects for my games, but I currently don't have a PC with a 16GB+ graphics card.

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