@cjd you know vance is a thiel recruit right. The man behind the biggest dragnet of information about citizens palantir. He recruited him from university specifically to get him in office. And seems he will succeed because Trump won’t live another 8 years. I don’t think libertarians can get behind pre crime plans of thiels company
Do you see a Thielocracy as being better, or worse, than Bidenistan ?
@cjd much much worse. Probably the worst outcome possible. I would prefer mussolini
Okay, so basically you can't figure out which one is better or worse for your interests?
It's a selection process. It's not like the candidates are materially different, nor are they really in control. The only thing voting does is get you jury duty.

@djsumdog @Diceynes @cjd Do you still have faith in state/local elections? I think a mass nullification movement could be a powerful tool.


Not really. I worked on a friend's campaign for Mayor in 2008 and it left me disillusioned by the whole process:


I'm not a huge fan of Corbett's anti-state stance, but I am a fan of smaller States (European sized, pre-EU; or if the South had won). I get the feeling Corbett is more ordered-anarchy, but I bet he'd also settle for smaller States.

I'm about 4 min in and this is an interesting interview; will continue listening.

@djsumdog @Diceynes @cjd
States like Indiana, Louisiana, and Oklahoma have nullified CBDCs. Louisiana in particular has blocked any mandate coming from the WEF, UN, and the WHO.

>I'm not a huge fan of Corbett's anti-state stance, but I am a fan of smaller States

He calls himself a Voluntaryist which is just another word for anarcho-capitalist. He talks about spontaneous order so he probably supports smaller communities with different political and economic systems. He normally talks about agorism as a praxis, but I think he is open to secession and nullification movements as well. He openly stresses that there is not a single solution, but multiple solutions need to be made.

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