
A GitHub account, personal website connected to your real name, and a LinkedIn are basically required to get anywhere in the software industry now and it really sucks.

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 2

That's why I'm out. I'm literally going into woodworking and going to have a cool website. Everything is a subscription and any client hates to leave the system they currently have, even though it lost their data and customers and upped their charges.

Working in a Corp is even worse. "Don't use regex, we have a 50mb library that does that for you in only 15 lines of code." Nevermind mine was 1 line.

I'm not venting, you're venting!

@souldessin At least you are still applying your CS skills into a different job instead of letting them go to waste.

Seriously, I don't see any reason why emailing a ZIP file full of stuff you worked on over the years isn't a valid enough portfolio. Not everyone has a big enough presence to justify a personal website. They also want articles. For what? My opinions on the industry? It's just pointless.

While you're right about it being pointless, you have the wrong name for it. That's "HR" 😓

To them, you are nothing different than a computer on a desk. A resource.

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