I am so fucking sick and tired of people complaining that modern society doesn't provide anything of leisure other than hyper-consumerism.

Bro, everywhere I go, whether it is a rural, suburban, or urban area there are festivals and other locally-held events taking place or are scheduled and many (if not most) of them are hosted on weekends so there is no excuse. Those are the perfect places to meet new people and bring culture to your life. Not everything has to be soulless. You're just way too afraid to get out of your comfort zone.

@berkberkman People go to the library to study in a quiet place, not to socialize and connect with other people.

Most people who go to the library these days are high school and college students looking for a quiet place to study. They are probably living with other people and they have no control over the volume of their housemates/roommates. Either that, or they're homeless people looking for Internet access.

@xianc78 There's sometimes a special event (likely in a separate room) where guests are welcome for whatever, and there's often a bulletin board for social gatherings like book clubs or some writer Q&A. It's niche, but there, even if not a lot of libraries have those things.

@berkberkman I never understood the purpose of book clubs. Back in elementary school, our teachers encouraged us to form book clubs with our classmates, but I found the thing pointless because it was just everyone agreeing to read the same book and talk about our progress. I always hated it because I was scolded if I read past the "checkpoint" we were supposed to reach by next meeting.

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