love working on something with other people and 2 out of 4 of us are dead weight
like they have the easiest job of literally writing/ideas guy(i think) and they dont even do that
and then im spending my time picking up after them like suddenly im the whole dev team now
solodev is the only way indie projects get done dont fall for team nonsense...
@jyushimatsu learned that when I was in a bad spot in life and I wanted to make a game and the other guy who was gonna help was in college eternally and the other was just a lazy NEET and then both had falling outs with me after a year or two (dodged a bullet).

I'm sure it attracts a lot of people who want to say they worked on an indie game and do nothing, ever seen the credits for AAA games where the legal department and HR team are on it?
you're much smarter lol i still want to try to finish at least one game as a part of a group 🤡 even a neet could still finish something if they weren't lazy though...

and yeah i figure most people who want to work in indie dev just do it for clout. im not even sure what clout they're expecting? even normal people don't respect HR for example lmao
its like they have this fantasy in their head of what gamedev should be (erping on discord and telling everyone you make $6900 making roblox games i guess) and drag everyone down with them
@jyushimatsu here in my case it's less laziness and more IRL stress of a really, really, shit job. I already have plans where if something happens to my job I'm going to just finally start learning C# and art and whatnot in between jobs.

>im not even sure what clout they're expecting?

I'd argue what happened with Notch during his e-celeb phase where he made one hit and faded out and some other other has-beens of the past is what they want, because if you have one project to your name people will take you seriously in online arguments and similar.

I agree on the fantasy part, IMO to nerds being a gamedev is like how everyone in high school wanted to be a sportsball athlete or WWE star or some shit and then when that falls through they ended up at the desk job or working behind the counter at a Bally Fitness location (real, saw it once).

Many burnouts I knew online were like this, they wanted to make a game but either didn't have a drive to do it, or got caught up in some autism like "I need to write an engine from scratch for something that could be done in Game Maker/Multimedia Fusion" and burning out as a result.

IMO, wanting to do gamedev isn't for everyone. It's like how being an online artist clearly isn't for everyone.

@PurpCat @jyushimatsu I think gamedev is something you need to start when you are really young and still have a lot of free-time. You also need to be a rare, patient child who realizes that you aren't going to start by making 3D first-person shooters with online multiplayer. The problem is that most kids aren't willing to learn how to program and can't convince their parents to buy something like the full version of GameMaker for them. I messed with GameMaker Lite as a kid, but I was spoiled and wanted to make 3D games which was only available if you paid $50 for the pro version, and I was too stupid to pirate software back then.

By the time I was in high school and knew how to program graphics using Pygame, I was involved with so many extra-circular activities that I was easily burnt out when I got home.

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You definitely can't have many other hobbies alongside game dev. Playing games included.

@gentoobro @PurpCat @jyushimatsu And that is also the problem because you need to have played a diverse library of games in order to be a good dev. Masahiro Sakurai even played the games he hated growing up just to learn what does and does not work.

Key words being "to have played". I used to play games all the time, but now I barely have any time for it. Good game devs tend to be highly eccentric people. Eat, sleep, code, read useless shit on Wikipedia, and maybe squeeze in some gaming at the end of the day. Only the essentials.

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