I just don't understand zoomer talk anymore

Wtf u mean with "ahh" bro...

@allison @sun_eater @Merc @vivi We're the same age! I don't like the label because I can still remember life before smartphones (the defining item for zoomers). I kind of like the "zillenial" label, personally.

@xianc78 @sun_eater @Merc @vivi nah vivi is the 26yo here, I'm 25 (going to be 26 at the very end of the year)
@xianc78 @sun_eater @Merc @vivi yeah and I remember absolutely fuck all of it + I was using smartphones before the iPhone came out
@xianc78 @Merc @sun_eater @vivi but then I've always been outside the mainstream culture so some things can't be helped I suppose

@allison @sun_eater @Merc @vivi That was probably the best time to own a PDA or smartphone. I always liked the simple UI of Palm OS and I could easily see myself owning a Tapwave Zodiac if I was aware of it's existence at the time.

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@xianc78 @sun_eater @Merc @vivi I had an iPaq with Pocket PC 2000 until the elementary school seized it from me
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