
Just two days from now, the UN will hold the Summit of the Future where there will be talks about turning the organization into an actual one world government to help accelerate their Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, ever since this was announced there has been utter silence about this in both the mainstream and most of the alternative media.

However there is still a chance to stop this. While I wouldn't advise putting full faith into it, there is a petition on The Conscious Resistance that you can sign to state your opposition to it.

But I think a better way to approach this is through nullification (American states using their 10th Amendment rights). Louisiana passed a bill a back in April, stating that the UN, WHO, and WEF have no authority over the state. If we can get enough states and maybe even municipalities to nullify the UN, we may have an even better chance. If you don't live in the US, see if your constitution has a similar nullification clause.

Please boost this post and share this with your non-fedi friends. This is something urgent yet most people are silent about it.

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