>the guy outed behind the stallman report was drew devault or one of his clique members
>Site goes dark

@sun this has been getting spread around /g/ too

Honestly I'm tempted to request a Kiwifarms thread on this guy so he knows how it feels, I'm tired of seeing this shitstain bitching non-stop about GNU old man.
@toiletpaper @PurpCat @i @sally @sun dude acts like my fucking teacher in elementary school or something like "I've heard some students doing this or that or yada yada yada you guys know what you're doing" literally just shut the fuck up no one thinks you're smart or fancy for this
@eric @i @sally @sun @toiletpaper when you realize why he's doing it it makes sense he wants CoCs and CLAs
@PurpCat @eric @i @sally @sun @toiletpaper I have an old book somewhere from Oracle wherein the first chapter of the book is about the theory of computing, where a program is fundamentally a math function that solves a problem by taking an input and calculating a result. The second chapter was dedicated to understanding your input dataset and how to arrange it in a form that would be best suited to find desired solutions from the dataset.

It would be really cool if we could get back to that, instead of being concerned with shit that doesn't matter like if someone voted for ronald regan, or thinks sex parties are pretty foul.

@DemonSixOne @PurpCat @i @sally @eric @sun @toiletpaper
Where politics belong in technology:
* Copyright, patents, and intellectual property laws
* Mass surveillance
* Internet censorship
* Regulations on certain technology

Where politics doesn't belong in technology:
* Everywhere else

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