Will Trump (or any of his cabinet) fulfill any of his promises this time?

Yes to some of them, but there will be other things which will be shitty and in the end it will feel like a 60% win.

@cjd Ending the fed and income tax is a HUGE promise and even if Trump is truly on our side, I don't see it going down that easily.

But I don't expect much from the guy who started Operation Warpspeed and still won't denounce it.

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That's also really REALLY tricky to pull off.
You can abolish agencies like the DOE and ATF tomorrow and nobody would blink. The FDA and USDA could be stripped of their powers and privatized as "industry groups".

But the FED and IRS are really tricky to abolish because they're the funding arm of the whole beast. The income tax might be possible to replace with something more simple like a VAT (with tariffs helping of course), but can't be abolished easily because there's a national debt to pay down.

Of course there's another path, where they just rug-pull the USD and monetize Bitcoin so their debt vanishes, but again, that means destroying THE ENTIRE WORLD FINANCIAL SYSTEM and probably triggering WW3. It would have to be done very carefully, to say the least.

Replace the federal income tax with... nothing. Kick off all the welfare leeches, rug the Boomers, and auction off the expeditionary part of the military.

Yes, yes, and yes.. But you still have this 30 trillion dollar debt to contend with. Either you tell the creditors "sorry lol you lent money to people with nukes, that sucks" or you have to keep taxing to pay it back...

That's why you auction off the expeditionary military assets. All those bases, carriers, etc. The foreign creditors can either take the proceeds or take nothing. As for the domestic debt holders, which is most of it, fuck 'em. They were bankrolling the enslavement of their own people, they don't have any room to be angry when they get rugged.

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