This thing is STILL in development even after almost a decade. During that time there have been 4 models of the GPD Win and the release of the Steam Deck. Not to mention, you can probably build something similar with a SBC and Arduino.


Seriously, I would be surprised if there are more people who still have this thing pre-ordered than there are people who cancelled their pre-orders.

Quite a shame because I was excited for this thing at one point. I really wanted an OpenPandora back in the day because I thought it was the coolest thing ever, an open-source handheld game console that also acted as a full-fledged Linux PC. Plus, it supported Pygame which was what I was using at the time, and I always loved the idea of having my games running on a console or handheld. But that thing was discontinued by the time I was able to afford one, so all I could do was wait for the Pyra, and we all know how that turned out.

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