@waltercool Because hosting sucks and is expensive and it's easier to corral everyone in one place than expect them to memorize your domain name (all of the good names are squatted on so expect to use something like gamethegame.ws) or compete with SEO-abused cancer like the obligatory Fandom wiki
@mrsaturday @waltercool Hosting is expensive but not too expensive for a business. I can see why scanlators flock to Discord, but why do legitimate companies do that?

@zaitcev @waltercool @mrsaturday Convenience for the end-user, I guess. Why have your customers/clients jump through hoops creating another account when they can use something that they already use?

Also, I've seen cases where game developers create forums for their games, but some people will refuse to use said forums because "they're outdated", so fans will create unofficial Discord servers instead and they become the popular place to discuss said games.

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@xianc78 @zaitcev @waltercool @mrsaturday >creating another account when they can use something that they already use

I swear there exists some sort of solution for this kinda thing… We might even be using it right now…

@frost @waltercool @mrsaturday @zaitcev I think there are some add-ons for some popular forum software that enabled ActivityPub support. I know Discourse plans to include it, if they haven't already.

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