@waltercool Discord = scam replacement for IRC.

Twitter / X = scam replacement for IRC.

Mastodon = replacement for Twitter / X.

The Internet rocked back between 1995 - 1999. Why? No one invented his or her own web based replacement for established protocols and clients.

@JohnGritt @waltercool
>Twitter / X = scam replacement for IRC.
How is Twitter supposed to be a replacement for IRC? I know the hashtags were inspired by the # notation for IRC channels, but Twitter itself was originally meant for posting "live blog posts" via SMS.

If anything Twitter is more of a replacement for RSS or the Finger protocol.

@xianc78 @waltercool While it is true Twitter founders had SMS limit in mind, the goal was to SMS to WWW and not some SMS central repository.

IRC = async comm with scroll
Twitter = async comm with scroll

They dubbed it as "microblogging" so you could argue it was a replacement for Blogger and WordPress, if anything.


@JohnGritt @waltercool
>They dubbed it as "microblogging" so you could argue it was a replacement for Blogger and WordPress, if anything.

That's what I meant by "live blog posts". Liveblogging is basically asynchronous or real-time (micro)-blogging.

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@xianc78 @waltercool

But it was not really blogging. It was more like IRC in that it was character-limited chat.

At least Twitter 2009 - 2012 was mostly about real-time sports TV reaction.

And that made it more IRC -like. The hashtag (like an irc channel) transformed Twitter into usability.

From 2006-08, hardly was it anything. Tweets only hit 300k per day and that was owing to being at SXSW.

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