I don't understand why anyone is surprised. I don't understand why anyone thinks Xitter is better, since Elon went on a Reddit style API war and made it impossible to view threads without an account.

I don't understand why anyone put their trust in the hands of a technocrat who had over a dozen monkeys die in his brain chip trial, and then still went ahead with human testing anyway.

This thing is just a text-book psychological operation. You divide conservatives in half along the lines of those who truly hate Indian people versus those who don't and just want basic citizen first policies.

It's fucking tiresome.

@djsumdog @cjd
>This thing is just a text-book psychological operation. You divide conservatives in half along the lines of those who truly hate Indian people versus those who don't and just want basic citizen first policies.

I think it's going to lead to those on the ethnonat right to leave Twitter and join some other platform. The plan is to put everyone into their own echo-chambers where their ideas can never be challenged.

@xianc78 @djsumdog @cjd the internet will never go back to the way it used to be because when push comes to shove, the site owners will always choose to act like a spiteful forum admin

@PurpCat @djsumdog @cjd It's just going to get worse. All ideologies suffer from the issue of in-fighting and purity spiraling, so you are just going to have people form more break-away communities that are even smaller and shorter lived.

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