Follow All forms of welfare are socialist.

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@xianc78 @HighlySkilledWorker bullshit, UBI has been defended by capitalists as a way to stimulate the economy

@wowaname The only way it would be acceptable is if it was funded by the land value tax. Any other tax means that EVERY working person pays for it.

UBI has been defended by capitalists as a way to stimulate the economy

Only in the marxist 'people who own companies' meaning of the word, not the ideological 'people who support free markets' meaning of it. Yes, many business leaders and wealthy elites hold (or purport to) 'champagne socialist' luxury beliefs.

Incidentally, ideological capitalists do not support government stimulus of the economy either. Corporate handouts are just as noxious to us as welfare.

@nicholas @wowaname
>Incidentally, ideological capitalists do not support government stimulus of the economy either.

Unless you count the Chicago School economists like Milton Friedman.

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