
OpenMandriva seems to be ever better than I thought. In addition to being anti-woke, they try to make their distro independent to Big Tech as possible. They even ship Ungoogle Chromium as the default browser. This might be my go-to recommendation for Linux distros, but I need to try it for myself.

My only beef with it is that the download page seems to be confusing, and I'm not sure about using clang instead of GCC.

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>you care about default browser choice
aside from that what do you dislike about llvm

@wowaname Of course you can always download a new browser, but them bundling a non-botnet browser by default show that they actually care.

>aside from that what do you dislike about llvm
Nothing really. I never used it. I'm pretty sure it's not bad, I'm just concerned about compatibility issues as GCC seems to support most C++'s features.

@xianc78 compatibility especially with c++ should be fine, especially if you're mostly building your own codebases and not other people's. plus clang has way nicer error reporting and stuff like linting
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