
Are there any free content licenses that can be applied to characters, settings, etc? Can you use the CC licenses for those?

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@xianc78 Assuming the content is eligible for copyright, cc licenses should be fine.

@PamelaDrew I've checked their FAQ. It didn't say anything about characters, settings, or entire franchises.

Try this to see if it will work for you... there are broader parameters you can assess the viability for specific cases

@PamelaDrew That didn't help at all. It just talks about the types of CC licenses.

@xianc78 the LibreOffice mascot, Libbie the Cyber Oryx, is CC0

idk if this answers anything

@Vo The character itself or just those specific images?


>LibreOffice required the mascot contest entries to license their works under Creative Common Zero (Public Domain). I did not want to walk back my decision, so Libbie has been in the public domain since. Anyone can use Libbie to do anything, there is no limit.

Sounds like the latter to me

@Vo That's good to know. I intend to put all of my characters and settings into the public domain.

@xianc78 and Stephen King will steal them to write a hit novel

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