So now that I took over the Goblin open-source :opensource: project I started cleaning up the README and other repo documentation. Its amazing how just a little bit of time and attention can make a project look significantly more professional. Logo only cost me 7 bucks too!

#Python #Tinkerpop #Gremlin #Tinkerpop3 #GraphDB #Goblin #Programming #CS #IT #Software #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS

@xyfdi No idea, paid 7$ for it. Cant follow your link right now as im upgrading the system I'll check on reboot.


@freemo copy. I just wanted to make sure you aren't ripped off or anything.

@xyfdi might have been ripped off for the 7$ but it means i have deniability too. The real question is, any reason to think that the rights to the image isnt open for others to use?

@freemo NFC. My Copyright law skills is none-existant. This said, excellent question! 🙂

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