Woot the day is here! Afte over 2 years on the fediverse I finally passed the 10K follower count!




To thank my followers anyone this week anyone who follows my account is welcome to a free beer with me in Utrecht, Netherlands. Just send me a message to arrange it!

#mastodon #fediverse

@xyfdi I think so. Can we confirm tomorrow. I have a minor cold and want to see how i feel come tomorrow but I think ill be fine, it feels minor and never got too bad. Just a stuffy nose.

@freemo Keep me posted. I have a weird meeting in Utrecht at 19:00 first, after that I am all game. 😄

@xyfdi Sorry about that, it was a rough cold for a day or two.. im better now. Free anytime in the next few days maybe or whenever?

@freemo NP, I hope it wasn't too bad.

I have tentative appointments Friday and Saturday and hope to know more this evening. Or else its clear skies from Monday evening and on. 🙂

@xyfdi Ok I should be able to work with that. I have a germany trip coming up for a week or so but not sure what the days are just yet. I probably will leave this weekend and be back middle of next week.

@freemo Perfect, my on-call duty ends on Wednesday (bring peace and tranquility to the land) which conveniently allows me to drink a little without my managers frowning at me from a distance. ;-)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.