I think 4chan is a shit hole and do not in any way approve of them mocking BLM or the movement.

The reason I share this however is to point out the generally harmful group think of people being activists right now, to the extent it is hurting the movement.

4chan consistently has success in these matters. Right now its Bald for BLM which seems to be catching on, and not that long ago they managed to trick everyone into thinking the OK hand gesture was a white supremacist hand gesture and even managed to get it on a list of hate speech.

When 4chan is this successful at manipulating people simply by making something look popular, when that is the only criteria for success, its time to reevaluate the underlying mentality driving our activism.

@freemo I wouldn't equate the /pol/ board with the entirety 4chan. It is generally seen as a containment board where people can LARP some random political idealogy. What you are doing now is like pointing to an ethnic minority in a region and say: this region now consists entirely out of this ethnicity. Its that levels of wrong.

As for 4chan, the other boards will tell you to GTFO if you come with topics you would see in /pol/, nor do they really care much about most of what is going on in /pol/ ( I mean, go to /gif/ and you have like 5 blacked and cuck threads at any time, that is so white-supremacist of them /s).

As for , if you fall for that trick your critical thinking may need some looking into. Chances are that monday all the usial outlets will start publishing about this hashtag and issue warnings like they have always done in the past.

(I remember 8chan's LeftyPol and how everyone LARPed being communist revolutionaries, it was glorious.. I miss 8chan sometimes. /v/ and /b2/ <3 )



Addendum: Image search for images of pol meetups. It is an surprisingly diverse group of individuals.

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