
I got invited to a local political forum a couple of years ago, but recently took the time to create an account using a non-descript username on one of my alternate email addresses and started discussing on topics....

I was new to the forum an did my odd mix of anon imageboard, SA/KF style way how I discuss topics. Lots of generalisations, citing sources and due to a lack of sleep my autistic autopilot took over that went in full discussion mode, everything that could be addressed got addressed. Different opinion on something? Fine, that's ok. Started defending the validity of my sources, started to demand theirs. I was honest about my intent, marked things as iffy if I thought it was bordering on something iffy ( and I still got shit despite being transparent. )

So at the end of the day it was apparent that my approach of discussing topics didn't fit with the regulars on the forum, its culture and there is a disconnect between them and me. They all have assumptions about my intent and I am labeled as a far-right extremist or something ( I see myself more like an edgy hippie libertarian with centrist leanings) and got accusations of framing and dog-whistle thrown at me.

It was glorious, will do the same again tomorrow! 🙂

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