Just wanted to share a little chart showing the likely effect of the mass BLM protests over George floyd compared to the COVID-19 recorded new cases count.

To be clear, I think Floyd's death was an injustice and I support the idea of opposing it at every level. But it was the number one biggest factor that caused the COVID epidemic to resurge out of control and we never recovered from the surge seen during the protest and even now this new surge we are seeing is partially fueled by the effects of those protests.

The irony here is the left have been the most vocal about COVID and blamed Trump for not seeing enough success in battling it as a central point in their entire presidential debate... yet they are also the ones who caused more loss of life and a more prolific spread of the diseases than anyone else when it served their agenda, and had the gall to try to blame that on Trump or republicans.

After seeing months of liberals abusing old ladies grocery shopping without a mask on and the like it is pretty disgusting, though typical, to see they are also the ones who caused more a problem than anyone else.

#COVID #COVID19 #Corona #Coronavirus #BLM #Protest @Science

@freemo @Science
Coincidentally there was an edgy meme about this month's ago that called it (the same area) in the same graph with the same numbers (iirc) the "Floyd Bump".


I did some pretty extensive research on this when I looking it over using the techniques I was taught when i worked for the government modeling disease proliferation. Its pretty confident IMO to blame this on the protests.


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