I get a certain evil pleasure out of knowing all those raging conspiracy theorist kiddies who always comment on my threads about how COVID is just the flu and other nonsense and then rage quit calling me a sheep are now out there taking livestock medication and dying (or getting very sick).

But yyyyeeeeaaaaa the vaccine is the real risk ::rolls eyes::

#covid #vaccine #Corona #coronavirus #funny #joke #humor @funny

@freemo @funny

what is "livestock medication" and can you link me the source to people dying from it?


People are taking ivermectin (might have spelled that wrong). Some are getting it through doctors but since doctors wont prescribe it and supplies ran out many have resorted to getting the version for cows and taking that. Even Milo apparently injected some.

I'm actually really surprised you havent heard about it, its a big thing and apparently unnervingly common.

Just do a google search, if you still cant find it I can dig them up for you.



I was more thinking in the area of ketamine, but Ivermectin may works too.

I still intend to go through the site (ivmmeta.com/) for funzies to see what they are reporting.

@mk @funny

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