I've started watching . The first two seasons can be summarized as: Drink! Fight! Fuck! The story is pulp and it just action for action's sake. Fucking for the imagery (and it makes me moist AF, holyshit its hot). Its all fun and games and its an enjoyable little show if you don't want anything complex.

And then season 3 hits. Shit gets really dark and the cinematographic really ramps up the psychological aspect of it all and it does this really well. The darker undertones become really visible and it does this really well.

I haven't finished season 3 yet, but I am looking forward to watching the remainder of this season.


In season 3 the character Kurt Bunker gets introduced. He has a troubled path and he wears it on his skin, but I get the feeling he is going to play an important role in future episodes. I am curious what this flawed but ultimately interesting character is going to do in the future.

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