:hacker_f::hacker_s::hacker_e: :hackerman::elliot::alexjones::terryapproves::7eleven::nixonsmug::feynmansmug2:
The picture where I'm pointing, that's where everyone's posts live.

Then the innards. There are two tiers, CPUs 3 and 4 as well as RAM banks C and D are on the top tier, which plugs into the motherboard and is held in place by a latch. The bottom tier is where the notorious "Bank 18" lives, which is the location of B7. B11 is sitting useless, because the RAM is installed in pairs.

Hilariously, I left the ethernet cables plugged in and yanked the heads off them when I pulled the machine out of the rack. I also picked up the wrong USB serial cable and thus could not plug the DevTerm into the server and had to wheel in a crash cart.

Once the box was back up, I could ssh in and start everything back up. They have guest wifi at the datacenter, so it was possible to shut it down without tethering, but to bring everything back up, I did that on the way home.
Here's the troublesome stick, the source of all of the problems. What should I do with it?

Do an FSE version of: Will it blend!

@xyfdi That would probably require a more serious blender than the one I own.

@p And you'll end up sacrificing the one you already own.

Burning it may fuck up your lungs. Throwing it in traffic will fucking the environment, although in LA it may not leave much of an impact, but you don't want to incriminate yourself.

Just keep it and make art out of it one day.

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