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Local health services (represented by the GGD Amsterdam) thinks my sexlife isn't crazy wild enough to apply for an STD test! 😅

Watching a movie on my laptop. It's about a French poet and intellectual being all dodgy and shit with a teenager. For a 1962 movie it's pretty spot on

So the FB thread with the escalated. I reached out as a sign of peace via the thread, reached out via signal saying that we might not want to discuss our grievances and make this a private matter, you know, like adults pretend to do.

Instead I got shat in, what I said was actively used against me with the notion that she blocked me and that the thread was there to stay in public so all her friends and mutual friends could see what for terrible person I am.

I ended up deleting the thread and unfriended the person. I should've done this sooner. I didn't get the impression there was any way of making amends without compromising who I was and what I believe. The person also indicated not wanting to talk to me and was being a dick about the entire ordeal.

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