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I am considering writing my own implementation of this game:

The ones I've played had loads of issues restoring from save-games or just outright crashed without telling why at one point.

Famous last words: Maybe I can do better =)

Join some random indie-dev's discord server. First thing that pops-up is somebody complaining in a public and the first channel there is about some issue a $2500 somebody put into the game when the kickstarter campaign ran.

Free drama! 😆

I still would like to develop a rogue-like game. Should be an interesting experience. 🙂

I just discovered that you scroll down when playing a YouTube video in full screen! ( Drunk me is content with this knowledge new... )

Whisky and Lego. Best combination, but tomorrow morning is going to be... "interesting" to say the least.

An interesting article on how a dev in Iran bypasses a dictatorship and sanctions in order to do their job.

Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.