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Local health services (represented by the GGD Amsterdam) thinks my sexlife isn't crazy wild enough to apply for an STD test! 😅 and Sinblr seem to be dead. Does anybody know what happened?

Date this cute Russian chick. She starts talking about having kids :boomer:

Let’s not forget that our real enemy is big tech companies and not random Fediverse users.

Watching a movie on my laptop. It's about a French poet and intellectual being all dodgy and shit with a teenager. For a 1962 movie it's pretty spot on

Slept 4 hours, drove a car for 10, fell asleep behind the wheel only once, arrived in one piece somewhere in France. Op succes!

So the FB thread with the escalated. I reached out as a sign of peace via the thread, reached out via signal saying that we might not want to discuss our grievances and make this a private matter, you know, like adults pretend to do.

Instead I got shat in, what I said was actively used against me with the notion that she blocked me and that the thread was there to stay in public so all her friends and mutual friends could see what for terrible person I am.

I ended up deleting the thread and unfriended the person. I should've done this sooner. I didn't get the impression there was any way of making amends without compromising who I was and what I believe. The person also indicated not wanting to talk to me and was being a dick about the entire ordeal.

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The people who wish to end anonymity online and on social networks are all for it until you point out exists and suddenly KF are the bad guys when they make fun of the same people.

@realcaseyrollins I saw season 2 and 3 last weekend of Infinity Train. 2 was great, 3 had a very anti-climactic end-fight. I honestly felt cheated out of a satisfying end.

Season 4, will this be any better?

Also joined a political party. Might regret later.

Talk about life and have a discussion with an SJW friend. Friend uses womxn unironically. Calls me a rape apologist, more ad homonims follow suit. I chuckled when she called me a conservative. We disagree on a lot. I can conclude that the friendship is over.

Talk about life and have a discussion with friend that believes the vaccines are micromachines that get instructions via 5G from Soros and Gates etc etc. We disagree a lot and that's fine. Friendship still in tact.

Why are SJWs so toxic?

Chinese people drop dead in the streets! We need a vaccine!
Mmm, ok, maybe they don't drop dead, but covid is very dangerous for the elderly, so get vaccinated!
Well, no one is dying *now* but long covid is a thing, you know, get vaccinated!

We went from people literally dropping dead in the streets to long covid that may be bad for kids in the future.

And people welcome more lockdowns.

The experiment was successful.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.