
I just got back into watchin' Return Of Ultraman. Cause I wanna finish some of it.
#ReturnOfUltraman #帰ってきたウルトラマン #Tokusatsu #特撮


Another Tsuburaya Tokusatsu Superhero Show I'm watchin' is Denkou Choujin Gridman aka Gridman The Hyper Agent. Just got back into it. Tryin' to catch up since I like it.
#DenkouChoujinGridman #GridmanTheHyperAgent #電光超人グリッドマ #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm also currently watchin' the 1972 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Choujin Barom-1. Based on the Sci-Fi Superhero Manga of the same name by Takao Saito. I dig it so far.
#ChoujinBarom1 #超人バロム1 #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1974 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Inazuman created by Shotaro Ishimomori. So far I like it. I might read the Original Manga sometime.
#Inazuman #イナズマン #Tokusatsu #特撮


I just watched the Okinawan Tokusatsu Superhero Movie Ryujin Mabuyer (Ryūjin Mabuyer) The Movie Nanatsu No Mabui (The Seven Souls). I enjoyed it in terms of the Story, Characters, And Action.
#RyujinMabuyer #琉神マブヤー #RyujinMabuyerTheMovie #琉神マブヤーTHEMOVIE七つのマブイ #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1995 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Juukou B-Fighter from the Metal Hero Series. I like it. Especially with it's Insect Hero Concept.
#JuukoBFighter #重甲ビーファイター #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1973 Tsuburaya Tokusatsu Superhero Show Fireman. I'm definitely enjoyin' it so far. Tsuburaya Productions tend to make dope Kyodai Hero (Giant Hero) Shows.
#Fireman #ファイヤーマン #Tokusatsu #特撮


Another Tsuburaya Tokusatsu Superhero Show that I'm watchin' is Jumborg Ace from 1973. The Kyodai Hero (Giant Hero) Series. I'm likin' it so far. Tsuburaya Productions definitely delivers with their Kyodai Heroes (Giant Heroes).
#JumborgAce #ジャンボーグA #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1998 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Kamen Tenshi Rosetta aka Rosetta The Masked Angel created by Tsuburaya Productions. I'm enjoyin' it so far.
#KamenTenshiRosetta #RosettaTheMaskedAngel #仮面天使ロゼッタ #Tokusatsu #特撮


I just finished watchin' Season 1 Of the 2008 Okinawan Tokusatsu Superhero Show Ryujin Mabuyer (Ryūjin Mabuyer). I enjoyed it. It's a Good Mix Of Okinawan Culture, Folklore, And Mythology with Superheroes.
#RyujinMabuyer #琉神マブヤー #Tokusatsu #特撮


I watched Episodes 1 And 2 Of The 1990 Tokusatsu Magical Girl Show Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine (La Belle Fille Masquée Poitrine) aka Beautiful Masked Girl Poitrine created by Shotaro Ishimomori. I'm impressed so far.
#BishoujoKamenPoitrine #LaBelleFilleMasquéePoitrine #美少女仮面ポワトリン #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 2003 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Chouseishin Gransazer (Chōseishin Gransazer) aka Ultra Star God Gransazer. The 1st in Toho's Seishin (Star God) Series. I'm really likin' it so far.
#ChouseishinGransazer #UltraStarGodGransazer #超星神グランセイザー #Tokusatsu #特撮


I watched 2 Episodes Of The 1973 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Tetsujin Tiger Seven (Iron Man Tiger Seven). I enjoyed 'em. It's a Pretty Dark Tokusatsu Superhero Show.
#TetsujinTigerSeven #TigerSeven #鉄人タイガーセブン #Tokusatsu #特撮


Another Tokusatsu Superhero Show that I'm currently watchin'. Is Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya aka World Ninja War Jiraiya. Part of the Metal Hero Series. I'm likin' it so far.
#SekaiNinjaSenJiraiya #WorldNinjaWarJiraiya #世界忍者戦ジライヤ #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1977 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Ninja Captor. I like it a different Tokusatsu Superhero Take on the Ninja.
#NinjaCaptor #忍者キャプター #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1977 Tokusatsu Superhero Show Kaiketsu Zubat. I'm enjoyin' it. Especially havin' a Wandering Hero approach to a Tokusatsu Superhero Show.
#KaiketsuZubat #快傑ズバット #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' another Shotaro Ishimomori Tokusatsu Superhero Show Jinzo Ningen Kikaider aka Android Kikaider. I'm really enjoyin' it so far. I'm glad that I'm watchin' it.
#JinzoNingenKikaider #AndroidKikaider #人造人間キカイダー #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' the 1975 Japanese Tokusatsu Superhero Show Akumaizer 3 created by Shotaro Ishimomori. I'm really likin' so far. I'm always a Sucker for Demonic Heroes.
#Akumaizer3 #アクマイザー3 #Tokusatsu #特撮


I'm currently watchin' The Toho/Capcom Collab Tokusatsu Henshin Super Show from the 90s. Specifically 1996. Shichisei Toshin Guyferd (Shichisei Tōshin Guyferd) aka Seven Star Fighting God Guyferd. I'm really enjoyin' it so far. Especially for the Fight Choreography. Which has the Feel Of Japanese Full Contact Karate. It's definitely inspired by The Two Manga Series Bio Booster Armor Guyver And Hokuto No Ken aka Fist Of The North Star.
#ShichiseiTōshinGuyferd #ShichiseiToshinGuyferd #Guyferd #七星闘神ガイファード #Toho #東宝 #Capcom #カプコン #Tokusatsu #特撮