Baloo Uriza

Bitch, I still have another whole ass month before I know for sure what I actually made in 2023! And if it's like any other year I'm probably not getting my W2s until President's Day... #TurboTax #Tax #SaaS #ThanksIHateIt

Growlph Ibex

TIL that when YouTube plays thumbnails you don't click, those videos also show up in your watch history. #thanksihateit

LadyMont 🇳🇱 (Supermodel)
@ArtistBristol @GrumpyOldNurse Main Stream Media was created primarily to indoctrinated the masses. These romance movies show men the can do whatever, because regardless they are the hero and train women and girls that we cannot have boundaries and should always be submissive to the mighty male. #nothankyou #ThanksIHateIt.

I know what I'm looking at. But I also know what I'm looking at. #ThanksIHateIt


@Andrea @mike Hooray, Antarctica's melting away! That means weird winters in Melbourne! #ThanksIHateIt