
The whole "men should be more open and vulnerable" thing is perhaps one of the most destructive psyops in modern times.

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Not sure a word "psyop" aplies, when every guy gets it at the age 5-8.

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 I did not, in fact, get it until I was about 18. Grew up around too many women

@KonataWagner1066 @Aldo2
It might be, because I was such an outsider then, but the fact that women are backstaby, especially, when it comes to emotions was obvious.

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 And especially since the women telling me this first were family who were supposed to have my best interests in mind
@KonataWagner1066 @LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 I think women give bad advice to men in general. I don't think it's a malicious thing, it's just that they don't have the right mentality to help you.

@KonataWagner1066 @Aldo2
But that also is, what gave me my rock hard sense of individualism.

When you're paranoid for 10h a day about everything, you learn to trust your judgament and hard work.

@LukeAlmighty @KonataWagner1066

Yeah, fair enough.

After all the shit I've been through (and still go through), I guess I've been hardened by it all.

My friends will say things like "I don't think I know anyone else who can endure shit like that, aside from you".

Not that I want anyone to go through the same shit, obv.

I guess, as with most tough lessons, you have to experience it yourself.


I had to wait until after my libshit phase, so around 20-ish.

Irony is that, compared to now, when I was a libshit, I looked weak and pathetic. Now that I'm some sort of "incel" (whatever that actually means), I actually see wymyn give me looks at the beach, or get hit on at bars without doing anything.

Not that it really makes any difference, because the damage has already been done and I'm 100% awkward af around women.

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 White american men, especially in the suburbs, are basically conditioned to worship women from a very early age

@hatefulmongoose @Aldo2
Bruh, worshiping women is one of the deepest instincts men have FFS. Of course our culture reflects it.

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 >worshiping women is one of the deepest instincts men have FFS

Fair enough but we used to have a patriarchal culture that deeply suppressed that. So maybe it's more accurate to say that the gayops are deconstructing 10,000 years of Aryan patriarchy and reverting everything back to child-sacrificing Gynocentrism
@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 While men as a whole are naturally gynocentric, Aryan man has been conquering nature for 10,000 years. Well before the "western world" existed, Aryan both conquered nature and lived in harmony with it. Completely different from every other breed of man that submits to nature (that is why most men worship women, women are one with Nature). Aryan man literally created animals through breeding. He bred the dog to be his trusted friend, the cow to give him milk that made him big and strong, the horse to transport him. And then after about 8,000 years of adventuring he created Greece, then Rome and from them the Greco-Roman Tradition that we call the West, which lasted 2,000 years. But now that tradition has grown decadent and old, overtaken by our primordial nemesis (the jew). Now Aryan man looks upon the once proud civilization he built. The horse has been replaced by the jewish automobile, a device that destroys the enviroment and runs over children. Horses reduced to pathetic laughing stocks that ferry homosexual cosmopolitan tourists to their disco nightclubs. The great Plains that the horse used to wander now replaced with Burger Kings and Mexican Neighborhoods. The cow, the frolicking retard that once gave us its precious milk, now pumped full of jew chemicals and locked inside ugly factory farms where ZOGBOTs torture them to maximize their output. Replaced by artificial goyfeed and zogslop. And worst of all, the Dog. What was once our most noble companion that loyally tred beside us in the darkest reaches of the Great Steppe, the valiant creature that once guarded us in our sleep, now reduced to neutered houspets for whores to rape with impunity.

But there is hope. The Western world is far from the only tradition of Aryan man. There is the oldest tradition, the first tradition, that of the mannerbund, the warband, Aryan savages laying seige to the gynocentric longhouse and claiming its fertile women as warbrides. Retvrn
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