@Aldo2 why are we letting convicted child rapists enter the Olympics

@beardalaxy it's a Dutch thing.

He was 19 and she was 12, the "rape" is basically statuatory - they "performed sexual acts" 3 times together.

In his British conviction, it mentions rape, but in his Dutch conviction, it only mentions "fornication".

Even on his Wiki page, it says his "victim" tried committing suicide when she heard he was arrested because she felt guilty.

You can say what you want about where that "guilt" came from, but I think this case is ridiculous.

He said that he thought she was older. A 19 year old dating a 16 year old isn't bad, by Dutch standards at least.

Actually, fuck that, I even made a post here about a friend I had who was 17 or 18 dating a 12 or 13 year old. They never got caught, and I'm not going to name them, but come the fuck on.

This shit is ridiculous.


@beardalaxy his moral crime was that he abandonded an impressionable girl after spending the night with her.


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