I was angry, and I'm still angry.

But I think this is quite important for some people here:

@Aldo2 with a plea deal it's pretty hard to know exactly what happened. Just have to take someone's word more or less. I know that often, victims of abuse won't speak about it for a long time and it takes a lot of courage to do so. I also know that people hold on to grudges for stupid things and falsely accuse people of things.

This pushes things more into Mr. Beast's side though. If it's true that "Delaware" didn't even want to be in the video and Jimmy pushed him into doing it, knowing full well that he was on the sex offender registry and that he would have to hide his face and stuff, that's also really sketchy behavior. It corroborates the testimony from the guy in the new dog pack video that people are pushed/coerced into things they don't necessarily want to do.

I can understand wanting to move on with your life if you've done something wrong, or if you haven't and were falsely accused, but Mr. Beast put him into a situation where it wouldn't be moving on and was bound to crop up again eventually. It's also just flat out not great optics to put someone with a conviction like that front and center in a video. It shows even more that Beast either has no idea wtf he's doing and is super negligent or just flat out doesn't care about anything except becoming more popular.



OK....But this is way different to many peoples' moods earlier today/yesterday, where people were all "kill the pedo!!!!!!! Raaaaaaarrrrrghhh!!!!"

Mr. Beast exploits people, this is known. The guy's brother-in-law even is one of the "leakers" of Mr. Beast's "abuse" of workers.

I think, if I was a teen (even at 16 or later at 21), and this was my first time interacting with cops, and it was something serious like that, I think I'd do a plea deal or whatever else, anything they told me, so I could make the situation go away.

When I was over 18, I got caught peeing in public and basically froze instead of running away, all because I didn't know what to do and didn't want to upset the person who caught me.

Careful, you're veering into "" territory with "accusations take years to come out". I'm not saying it's not true, but you have to take a fine comb.

Point is, people need to temper themselves. Not everything needs a witchhunt as a response. This is what I mean when I say "Puritan".

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@Aldo2 "accusations sometimes take years to come out" is way less of an "excuse" for a grown ass woman than it is an 11 year old. Just saying.


But it can still be an excuse to deflect attention if the person making the excuse is being made to feel they committed a big crime and need a scapegoat.

Oh wait, that's usually the case for the adult women, too.

Fine comb. And again, that's probably why the case is being dropped in a few months. It is being dropped because he literally "did nothing wrong" (like his BIL says).

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