
"Unlike these degenerates, the National Socialists would have killed groomers for abusing teenage girls!!"

Siri, what was the age of consent in National Socialist Germany?

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@Aldo2 are you like trying to run apologetics for literal rape gangs or what

@beardalaxy nah, I just don't like people not understanding statistics.

The actual fact of the matter is that native Britons are actually (slightly) overrepresented among "rape-gangs" while Pakistani-Britons are (slightly) underrepresented.

But, of course, those statistics don't get mentioned, for obvious reasons.

And this isn't even touching upon the history of nationalist-oriented Britons being involved in large-scale child-abuse scandals themselves (

@Aldo2 well the latest scandal was like 95% muslim immigrants wasn't it? that's what people are talking about.

@beardalaxy > "Latest"


The case was from 10 years ago.

The article I cited was more recent.

And again, the statistics paint a different picture when compared to how "right-wing" media is reacting in the Anglosphere.

Again, I'm not justifying or explaining away the horrible abuse, but I am tired of the "DailyMail"-tier tabloid-derived kneejerk reactions.

@beardalaxy I was just doing a bit more research on the topic, and I found this retarded article by SkyNews that bots on X are posting.

In it, they get Quilliam (a now discredited organization that for a time had me under their spell - to split hairs and say there is somehow a difference between "pedophile gangs" and "grooming gangs".

Of course, the reason for that is so that they can provide "research" to make a headline like "84% of grooming gangs are Pakistani".

See what I mean?

And the big irony is that, at the end of the article, a person who they quote says that "the far-right" will misrepresent the statistics to recruit people to their "cause".

"Nazir Afzal, who is credited with tackling the issue during his time as Chief Crown Prosecutor in the North West, warned the issue of 'Asian' grooming gangs is being used as a recruitment tool by the far-right.

Mr Afzal also warned gang grooming was not the most common form of child sexual abuse.

"British white men they tend to work individually. They tend to work online where they groom and they are the majority of perpetrators. When it comes to Asian men or Pakistani men they tend to do it in groups," Mr Afzal said."

Sorry for the long post, but I do think it's important.

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