It is not oppression when you're told you can't change in the women's locker room. It is not oppression when somebody refuses to humor your degenerate games of play pretend. It is not oppression when parents resist your efforts to corrupt the minds and bodies of their children with wacko gender perversions. This deviancy is a social pathogen that only spread as far as it did because the immune responses were being unnaturally suppressed.


@Hoss it is "oppression" when you get murdered on the street for simply existing.

Don't act like trans people being murdered in public doesn't happen.

@Aldo2 @Hoss You do realize this heshe:
1. Drugged a minor.
2. Was killed by its lesbian lover.

Just another example of perverts killing perverts, like "Sam" Nordquist, Ryan "Emma" Zimmerman, etc.

@AidanTTIerian @Hoss

"Drugged a minor" lol

Her lesbian lover was the minor?

So you care about the lesbian? Or, no, you hate both of them.

Lol, faux empathy is disgusting to see.

Get help, but you're pro-Russia/Iran/Syria so.....I don't know what to expect...

>Get help, but you're pro-Russia/Iran/Syria so.....I don't know what to expect...
@Hoss @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian that nigga's been tranny chasing for an hour now i don't think he's anything but low quality bait
@Hoss @AidanTTIerian @Aldo2 aw hell naw, he's worse than that
he's an actual pedonigger, bitterblossom is on rape pet and jazzy butts is a whining pedonigger loser squatting on gameliberty
Explains a lot. Also explains why he hates Russians, you just obliterated this nigga in like five seconds flat.
@Hoss @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian and all i had to do was check for how long he was keeping this ruse up and then accidentally scroll down further

@lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

My posts are public because I have nothing to hide. The only reason I locked that under followers was to protect my followers.

But obviously you don't care about privacy.

>I just wanted to protect my pedo followers! How dare you invade my privacy!
Not beating the allegations, pal.

@Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian

The allegation is what?

That I have pedophilic tendencies?

That I talk to other people who are open about their sexuality?

Not the "own" you think it is.

@Aldo2 @Hoss @AidanTTIerian >wanting to rape kids is just their sexuality
it's precisely the own that we think it is actually
>Straight up admits to harboring the very depravity that gender ideology has always been known to be associated with.
I...really can't see how this isn't the biggest self-own I've borne witness to all year. Does it not identify as an own?

@Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian

I'm not trans.

You know, a MAGA supporter who railed against the "trans agenda" was recently arrested for....

..........Molesting his own daughter...

Wow, crazy, right?

@Aldo2 @Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian Good. They should kill him. Magafaggots deserve the wall. Along with pedophiles, kikes, niggers, and faggots.

"MAGA" is pretty much a big tent for all of the above.
I don't give a shit about what some random migapede did. Let's not derail from the fact that you just admitted to having "pedophilic tendencies" and associating with pedophiles while shilling for tranny bullshit. I didn't even have to try for that W, you just handed it over on a silver platter without so much as a fight.

@Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian


My posts are public.

You didn't "discover" or get "handed over" shit.

At least the mods in my instance are respectful enough of me to not engage in this retarded behavior, even if we disagree.

> joke's on you, I was a degenerate pedo faggot the entire time

you really just cannot stop losing


The people losing most are the lolicons who argue that they aren't pedos while the government in Texas (and possibly in other states) would put them in jail for 4-8 years for the "sex crimes" they engage in on this instance...

Yeah, they're a bunch of pedo faggots, too. Just like you. You are in the same category as them.

@vic lollolololololololololololooll

They're in this post with you, buddy.

Better check your "friends" to the left and right of you.

Like I said, I'm open, but those damn "lolicons" aren't...

Sneaky bunch, eh?

Actually nobody else is in the post since you apparently untagged them, presumably to avoid further scrutiny


Just scroll up you tard, open the comments and look.

You think I'm going to go through every retard lolicon in here to please your stupid ass?

God fucking damn.

But you did untag them to avoid further scrutiny, because you are a pedo faggot. Here, let me add them back in for you

@AidanTTIerian @Hoss @lina

@vic @lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss


Wow, look at you, what a detective!!!

You should join the police!!

So brave!!!!

Oh my god, what a fucking tard.

Even these lolicons who are attacking me would call you a tard.

Why would I defend them when they're attacking me?

You seem desperate to deflect from the fact that you admitted to being a pedo and are being dragged for it like you deserve.

@Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian @vic

I'm not deflecting shit.

Every time a lolicon speaks, I say lolicons are pedos. Pidgeon man agrees.

Christijunior and other tards maintain that lolicon isn't pedophilia at all.

I'm not desperate at all.

You guys are, what, like 30-1 and you're replying at the speed of light to, what, get me to kill myself or some shit?

You're the ones who are desperate!

I don't see what any of that has to do with the topic at hand. I started this hellthread by quoting your bullshit, made you take an L in front of everybody, and now a bunch of niggas who ain't me are dogpiling you too. You should kill yourself btw, you'd be doing both yourself and the public at large a favor.

@Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian @vic

"I started this hellthread"

It's not your thread, you fuckwit.

This is Luke's post. You guys just barged in and ruined it for probably everyone, but most importantly him.

This is not even your instance.

You know what? Just to spite you, I'm not going to kill myself. There!

Scroll up to the OP, dumbo. It's my QT. When I saw your post, I arranged you to hellthread court under the jurisdiction of the Shitpost Cloud. You stand before the judgement of Supreme Justice Hoss, and now that closing arguments have been made I hear by sentence you to the chipper. Feet first.
@Hoss @lina @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian @vic The scales of justice have tipped. It's over for you, "Aldo".
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(My kids have a large Frieren plush and they love to "Frieren blast" each other by throwing the plush at each other as hard as they can)
@BowsacNoodle @Hoss @lina @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian @vic I think repentant pedophiles (very unlikely I’m aware, but I think at least conceivable) should be given a chance, but this one doesn’t seem like that type, he seems to think its a-ok to be a pedophile
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@Hoss @lina @Aldo2 @AidanTTIerian @vic i like how every single post of that pedo is a deflection, jfc


What am I deflecting from?

That I have pedophilic tendencies?

Uh, I'm not deflecting from that....

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"hellthread court"

"Shitpost cloud"

"Supreme Justice Hoss" (you, go figure)

"le wood chipper"

This is actually hilarious. I'm reading it, but I'm doing it in an accent. I can't help myself.

Yup, we should bring back Public Hangings for Pedophiles.

Your future is quite grim unless you change course.

You can't fix niggas like him any more than you can save a rabid dog.

@vic @lina @AidanTTIerian @Hoss

Good thing I literally made a post about not calling myself a MAP haha

At least it's a welcome change from "le woodchipper" shit.

@Aldo2 @vic @AidanTTIerian @Hoss yea this counts as faggot sass, though just butthurt cuz you're upset that you can't be taken seriously now, you're a flesh automaton, unsurprisingly so
To be frank, I didn't bother scrolling through your profile because I have a defederate-on-sight policy for instances that harbor out and proud pedo fucks like yourself. Didn't know gameliberty rolled like that, so I'm probably gonna close the borders when I get home.
@Aldo2 @Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian
>Supports Ukraine
>Supports Trannies
>Open Pedophile

Yep, that checks out! :ina_nod:
He's literally this guy, not even a caricature. What a hellthread this has been.
@Aldo2 @Hoss @lina @AidanTTIerian
>That I have pedophilic tendencies?
>Not the "own" you think it is
What did you mean by this? :beary_srs: :mumeismile:
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