@LukeAlmighty the "gray zone" is sex =/= gender.
That's it.
Conservatards can't stand that gray zone because they view sex and gender as synonymous. As with most things, they shot themselves in the foot, and now their only recourse is outright oppression (with predictable results) to try and amend the "problem".
@LukeAlmighty you were literally asking for a "good faith debate" lol
Well, there's your "good faith debate".
You clearly don't want a "debate", you just want people to agree with you 100% on everything without any pushback.
Rather pathetic, tbqh.
Yes. You spent last week arguing, that I should go into den of people who want me dead, and now, you want me to accept, that Trans advocates don't know how reproduction works?
Yes, I wanted a good faith debate. Not the "sex =/= gender" stuff, that was already repeated 100s of times.
@LukeAlmighty lol
Last week's argument was not at all related to this, stop deflecting.
It's not up to you what can or can't be argued in a "good faith debate", especially when you dismiss a fundamental argument of the opposition which is actually agreeable by all sides.
Sex =/= Gender.
Sex is not about gender.
Those trans people arguing in "good faith" are not saying they can give birth from their penis (if they're of biological male sex).
They're saying that they are a gender that is different to their sex. They would like people to treat them as their gender. It's really quite simple.
You can agree with that or disagree, but the position is fairly rational, all thing's considered.
Again, your argument is that everyone HAS to agree with you because no trans person can "argue in good faith". Again, it's just pathetic. Like a JK Rowling Twitter rant.
Obviously last week has a ton to do with me not believing you are even able to do a good faith argument anymore.
Not to mention, that you started the debate with literally stating the most insane assertion and expectation, that I will accept it in full extent. Instead, if you even read what I wrote in this thread already, you could have noticed, that I did give a HUGE pass on the gender role question, but I seriously wouldn't expect you of all people to understand that point.
@LukeAlmighty how is it the "most insane assertion and expectation". It's something that most, if not all people agree on.
Sex is not gender. They are different words, relate to different things etc...
Again, YOU are the one who wanted a "good faith debate". But you can't even accept a basic premise of the "trans argument".
Well then, it's not "good faith" then, is it?
Your pass is that.....You didn't give it a pass?
You said you don't want to talk about it because it's been talked about 100s of times. That's not a pass, that's you avoiding it entirely because you know if you agreed to it then you'd have to change your own position.
Ok, if you want to play this game:
Is this a boot, or is it a cake? Would you eat it, or would you leave it on a floor next to your other boots for a few days, and then put your foot in it and walk with it through a forrest?
@LukeAlmighty footwear can apply to women or men.
Men can wear women's footwear and vice-versa.
You used the wrong analogy.
So, you would put this mixture of egg, sugar and wheat on your foot beofre going to work?
@LukeAlmighty you used the wrong analogy, deliberately, to make an argument against you impossible.
Of course you can't use cake as a shoe. Duh.
I used the correct analogy, to describe not only my position, but reality (i.e. shoes are not made of cake, and men can wear women's shoes and women can wear men's shoes, the shoe is gender, duh).
Ok, you cannot use a cake as a shoe...
Why? It definitely looks like a shoe to me.
@LukeAlmighty notice how I said "men can wear" and "women can wear", i.e. there is a difference between SEX and GENDER.
I know this is tough for you to accept.
Of course it wasn't created as a shoe, but why are you not behaving as if it were one?
It doesn't want you to believe it to be a shoe. It just want's you to wear it.
@LukeAlmighty a shoe is meant to be worn.
A man can wear a woman's shoe, and a woman can wear a man's shoe.
How hard is this for you to understand?
Yes. A shoe is meant to be worn, and a cake is meant to be eaten.
But what about cake, that REALLY deep down KNOWS it's a shoe?
Thank you
You have no idea jist how a big of a compliment it unironically is.
Back to the topic. Will you wear the shoe?
You must understand already, that the point of gender =/= sex argument means, that if you spend enough effort truly trying to look and behave as the category you don't belong in, (shoe), you should be treated as a part of that category as default.
That was your argument, not mine. I just illustrated it on a topic, where I know advanced mimicry is in fact possible.
@LukeAlmighty That's not the point of sex =/= gender. How can you misread something so simple.
Men can wear women's shoes, and women can wear men's shoes. HOW IS IT THAT YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS?
No you didn't, you brought up a cake, which as I said was the wrong analogy, and then you keep bringing up your stupid Jordan Peterson tier "I identify as an attack copter" argument as some sort of great own.
Again, it's beneath you to do that.
On other topics, you say "this cake looks like a shoe". You don't say "this cake is a shoe", and you definitely don't behave as if the cake was unironically a shoe. Why? Because the inert properties of the cake make it useless as a shoe.
So, why do you think gender =/= sex is an argument for that guy is a women and treat it as one, but taste =/= wearableness is an argument for wear the cake?
Well, you wanted to have the gender =/= sex debate, so I had it.
If sex is what you are, and gender is how you identity, and it can be different based on what you look like, then a food's sex would be food. But, it tried to look like clothing, it's gender would change to clothing.
And since we treat people based on the gender, and not sex, you would have to treat the shoe cake as a shoe. That is the entire logic of sex =/= gender.
And I am seriously starting to question your legal status of self governing individual, if you can neither understand the concept of an analogy, or the concept of protecting yourself from buch of people who hate your existence.
@LukeAlmighty lol
Again, you use the wrong analogy.
Sex is what you are, gender is what you identify as. It is not "different based on what you look like".
"Food" is incapable of having a sex, because food is an abstract.
More like "tomato is a fruit".
You keep making the completely wrong argument to try and buttress your position, and it keeps failing.
No, you didn't even define your position, and keep on sperging out about people not accepting your unsaid definition in all the examples you believe in including all the implications you believe in, but not the logical extent.
So, once again you gave proven, that a good faith conversation with troon supporters is not possible.
@LukeAlmighty the definition is that men can wear women's shoes, and women can wear men's shoes.
Tomato is a fruit, but used as a vegetable.
How hard is this to understand, jfc.
I don't know how to make it simpler.
Clothes and food were analogy for men and women. I am really sorry, if your kindergarten failed you in this respect.
@LukeAlmighty you're the one who said you wanted a "good faith conversation", yet now you say that you never wanted it.
Congrats, you're a retard.
What a strange thing to say.
Do you think I'm trans or something?
Just because I'm playing devil's advocate?
Why talk about "my whole belief system"?
What am I "delusional" about?
"This shit's not real"?
What exactly is your point?
@Owl right, so after denying it, you DO think I'm trans, lol.
Make your mind up!
@Owl lol
At least own your insult, haha
Man, this is just pathetic.
Do you think because you think I'm trans I'm going to report you to the Feds for a hate-crime or something?
Jfc, grow a pair (pun intended).
@Owl you're the one who replied in this thread out of nowhere to try and seem tough with a HRT comment....
And you're calling me the "dork"?
@Owl hahahaha
So, if I'm not a "class snitch" and actually rebel against the mean bad teachers, then I'm a "nigger" hahaha
You're the pussy here.
More evidence that you were the "dork" in school.
Bro...I am trying to take this conversation seriously, and you jump in with "if you believe hard enough, you might grow a dick".
I am getting to tired of your bait.