To this day, I have no fucking idea how could Trans debate hone so insanely wrong. No matter how long I do spend on the topic, I cannot wrap my head around this madness, but the more interesting part is, just how little good faith debate there actually is on the topic.

Fuck... Even on Abortion, there is some gray zone. I do not belong to either camp, because I know, that both sides are trying to pointlessly escalate their position to push the overton window. But the base arguments are clear. But with the trans debate, I don't even know the last time I heard 2 people try to compate the baselines.

@LukeAlmighty the "gray zone" is sex =/= gender.

That's it.

Conservatards can't stand that gray zone because they view sex and gender as synonymous. As with most things, they shot themselves in the foot, and now their only recourse is outright oppression (with predictable results) to try and amend the "problem".

Funny how your whole belief system only managed to really be a thing as a result of the conveniences of modernity that afford you this delusion, just saying. This shit's not real.


What a strange thing to say.

Do you think I'm trans or something?

Just because I'm playing devil's advocate?


What a strange reaction to have for something I never said nor implied.


Why talk about "my whole belief system"?

What am I "delusional" about?

"This shit's not real"?


What exactly is your point?

@Owl right, so after denying it, you DO think I'm trans, lol.

Make your mind up!

I never denied or asserted either or, I'm just telling you to take your HRT.

@Owl lol

At least own your insult, haha

Man, this is just pathetic.

Do you think because you think I'm trans I'm going to report you to the Feds for a hate-crime or something?

Jfc, grow a pair (pun intended).

You probably think this sounds a lot more intelligent and scathing in your head. People playing "devil's advocates" shouldn't be so given to being worked up like this. You sound like a dork.

@Owl you're the one who replied in this thread out of nowhere to try and seem tough with a HRT comment....

And you're calling me the "dork"?


If you think being told to take your HRT is an attempt to sound "tough," you are far too sensitive to poorly pretend to be the asshole you think you are. You seem like the kind of person who'd snitch for teachers or something, you're this big a dork.

@Owl bruh, I broke almost every rule in school.

I was literally expelled.

What a weird insult.

>I was a total nigger bro
Explains why you're so stupid. :coffeeblob:

@Owl hahahaha

So, if I'm not a "class snitch" and actually rebel against the mean bad teachers, then I'm a "nigger" hahaha

You're the pussy here.


More evidence that you were the "dork" in school.

You are whatever I say you are in any given moment yes. :coffeeblob:
@Aldo2 @Owl I don't think you're a tranny, I think you're retarded and probably have a fetish for trannies. :gigachad:
Evil isn't ambiguous. You don't have to grant it a chance to argue its case.
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