@matrix The red rapists are like 80% of the reason for my years of Nazi-loving, anyone who the red rapists hated was surely to be admired

@matrix @Jazzy_Butts

> People who think a reprehensible thing is reprehensible even when allies do it are Nazis

Oh? Please elaborate about how having moral standards is a the ultimate evil...
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Jazzy_Butts @matrix
The members of the German NSDAP were not the ultimate evil. It is just unfortunate that so many people incorrectly use the term "nazi" as a synonym for "ultimate evil", and I don't have the patience to call it out every time it occurs.

I personally prefer to use the term "tyranny".

@Hyolobrika @teknomunk @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Jazzy_Butts @matrix Unemployment destroyed
Workers also had many advanced benefits (better wages, dismissal rights, more vacation, better housing, healthcare, etc)
Early anti-tobacco campaign, it discovered as carcinogen
Significant expansion of autobahn
Neonatal polices including a award for children rich mothers (cross of honor of the German mother, 4-5 kids gets bronze, 6-7 kids gets silver, 8+ gets gold, plus proposed higher tier with 12+ kids, but it was only given once to a Dresden mother of 16)
Significant programs for needy Germans
Nation broken free of debt slavery
Degeneracy kept at bay
Several hundred Churches built, none closed
Beautification of cities
Culture revitalized.
Should I go on?
@branman65 @Hyolobrika @teknomunk @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Jazzy_Butts @matrix It's not tyranny if it's benevolent and functional. Tyranny doesn't mean dictatorial or fascist, it means terrible. This terrible democracy we live under is tyranny. Nazi Germany was beneficial for the German people until she was forced into a war, ergo not tyrannical.
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