
I still hate the word pedophile because it's basically used like the n word, a word used as a hurtful term. Map is much more respectful. Statistically most men find young women most attractive at around 15, this means most men are maps. Even talking heads on the right agree about this, and leftists admit it as well when they say "men are all pedophiles", even though they're using it as a hateful term, they are technically being accurate, because generally all men are non-exclusive pedophiles, if by pedophile you mean someone who is attracted to 15 year olds, WHICH IS THE WAY THEY ARE USING THE TERM TODAY. IF HOWEVER you were to say all men are LITERALLY PEDOPHILES as in LITERALLY ATTRACTED TO VERY, VERY YOUNG PREPUBESCENTS then such a statement would be incorrect, in my opinion. And so this is why the term MAP is much more RESPECTFUL than to call someone NORMAL, AS NORMAL AS YOU BUDDY, a PEDOPHILE.

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Welcome to the clown world.
If you don't like women cheating on you, you're insecure
If you like women under 35, you're a pedo/groomer
If you want to rise your own family, you're selfish

Nothing new under the sun.


If you want your vocabularily to be more specific

What you are trying to say is most men are Ephebophiles

Stigmatizing Eohebophilia results in population reduction

I do not have time to go into fine details about what perspectives are right if people want what goals for a society at the present time but I think ephebophilia is the word you could use to be more specific fof what you are trying to say

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