@Mac_CZ @matrix
It definitelly is not correct.
As a libertarian, I do believe, that the system is intended to serve the role of creating an environment, where people can enjoy their freedoms in relative safety.

I believe rveryone has a right to LEAVE their country. Absolutelly. But we have no duty to accept muslims, that will cause the entire society to collapse.

@Mac_CZ @matrix
When I think about it, that is the same reason I consider prison to be inhumane, since it forces you to live under rules where you have no rights.

It would be better, if state offered an alternative punishment, that would still left you freedom to resume life/leave the country. (For instance slashes with whip)

@LukeAlmighty @Mac_CZ @matrix bringing back corporal punishment could do a lot...I say branding.

@Svantovit @matrix @Mac_CZ
Branding is the oposite of what I want...
We need a punishment, that will make people regret and dread their actions, but will allow them to trstore their lives.

Whipping will cause a hell lot of pain, but less long term damage then even 1 year in prison + an entry in crime database. Branding is the polar opposite.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix @Mac_CZ How? You give someone 50 lashes on their back, they'll be marked as a criminal for life. It'll be obvious every time they take off their shirt. How is a brand the size [like a giant letter] of that same 50 lash scar any different? The pain? Okay, take off 20 lashes if they take a brand on their chest. Let's say 'R' for 'rapist.' There are certain crimes one should carry forever, the heinous kinds.

@Svantovit @matrix @Mac_CZ
Because at the point you're talking about rapists, it does not matter to YOU, since YOU want them to never gat a job...

I was talking about the fact, that people who get 2 years for somthing minor loose their job, family, friends and after 2 years, good luck finding a job with a criminal record. Brand would make this even worse.

I do not care about your petty revange.

@Svantovit @LukeAlmighty @Mac_CZ @matrix >There are certain crimes one should carry forever, the heinous kinds.


And? If you violently violate someone else’s freedom, is having a letter burned into your skin not the least you could do? Fine, the village can give them a “redemptive brand’ after so many years of not re-offending that covers it up.

Seriously, niggas. This is shit that is easily covered up with a shirt. You act like I’m putting this person on a list. The reality is part of his punishment is the fact that, everyone he removes his shirt in front of will know what he did. That’s called a deterrent. You want a good wife someday? She probably won’t want to see an ‘R’ on her ‘forever man’s’ chest.

@LukeAlmighty claims he wants the opposite, but the scars of 50 lashes would have the same effect. Would it not? Every time he takes off his shirt, that punished criminal would be exposed to those around him. Where’s the redemption? You think they’d move closer to him after seeing those scars? The scars of the whip would have the same effect as branding. The only difference is that people would have to come up to the ex-convict and ask, “So…what did you do?”

@Mac_CZ @matrix

@Svantovit @LukeAlmighty @Mac_CZ @matrix >The reality is part of his punishment is the fact that, everyone he removes his shirt in front of will know what he did. That’s called a deterrent. You want a good wife someday? She probably won’t want to see an ‘R’ on her ‘forever man’s’ chest.

Same for the lashes

@Dice @matrix @Mac_CZ @Svantovit
Ironically enough, lashes would bring out sympathy, while branding would make the person untouchable.

Obviously, the problem is, that anything less then lashes will never be accepted by society as an alternative punishment, but the entire problem with system is that there is no road to redemption, especially with current system, where you DO have a list of crimes you already "supposedly" paid for.

Let's be honest. Someone comes to your workplace, seems nice, and has a clean criminal record... but you notice serious scars... Or a guy enters with R branded on his forehead, and gives you paper with the exact crimes he did.

Who will get the job and sympathy?

@LukeAlmighty @Dice @matrix @Mac_CZ

I consider the fact that he’s not in prison being railed by Konkey Dong to be far more sympathetic than such a violator of human rights deserves.

That being said, I’m a very sympathetic person and I do believe in rehabilitation over punitive measures. Not one single time have I suggested branding the violent criminal on any visible skin.

The fact that your scenario includes a potential interviewer seeing his scars indicates that your solution is more barbaric than mine, as I never suggested these brands be visible without the removal of a garment.

Re-read everything I’ve written. Your analysis of what I’ve typed hinges entirely on a snap judgment you made at the very beginning.

@Svantovit @Dice @matrix @Mac_CZ
You are comparing a brand that is always on you to a peace of paper...

Ok, I get it... Well trolled. :clap_l:

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